Medically Reviewed by Sarah Goodell on September 03, 2024
Written by WebMD Editorial ContributorsThe good news about marriage and Medicare is that your coverage won't change. Neither will your spouse's.
Whether you're already married, thinking about getting married, or no longer married, here's what you need to know.
You and your spouse's Medicare coverage might not start at the same time. Unless you are disabled, you are generally eligible for Medicare when you are age 65. Medicare is an individual plan (there is no family plan). However, you may be eligible for Medicare based on your spouse’s work history -- even if you are not eligible on your own. You and your spouse's Medicare coverage might not start at the same time. Since you each must enroll in Medicare separately, one of you may be able to sign up before the other one, depending on your age.
Your premiums may change because of your total income. There are no family plans or special rates for couples in Medicare. You will each pay the same premium amount that individuals pay. Here's what to know about costs:
If you do not qualify for free Medicare Part A based on your own work history, you can qualify based on your spouse’s work history, even if you are widowed or divorced. If divorced, you must have been married for at least 10 years and your ex-spouse must be at least 62 years old. If widowed, you must have been married for at least one year. Once you turn 65, you are eligible for free Medicare Part A through your former spouse, as long as they worked at least 10 years and paid Medicare taxes during that time. You can apply for Medicare online or through your local Social Security office beginning three months before your 65 th birthday, the month of your birthday, and for three months after your birthday month.
You will still need to pay premiums for the other parts of Medicare coverage as described above.