Owners or management agents are required to maintain and keep stormwater management (SWM) facilities on their property in good operating condition, as directed by the manufacturer, at all times. Rockville carries out inspections of private SWM facilities at a minimum of once every three years. If maintenance needs are identified, the property owner is required to perform that work immediately.
Some SWM facilites are above ground but many are below ground and can be tricky to find. If a portion of your property was developed on redeveloped after the mid-1990's, it is likely that you have SWM facilites treating the impervious surface. However, there is a chance that your property has a SWM facility if it was developed or redeveloped anytime after the early 1970's.
If a SWM facility exists on your property than a Stormwater Management Easement is generally present in your settlement agreement detailing maintenance responsibilities for the owner.
It is often more cost effective to do routine maintenance rather than large-scale repairs after City inspections. For guidance on how to maintain your private facility visit Montgomery County's Stormwater.