There’s new money available that could lower your monthly bill. See how much you can save on the same plan you have now, but with exclusive financial help through Covered California.
Most people can get a plan that is identical to their current one, but for a lower price. You’ll know for sure when you apply with Covered California.
check_circle Coverage for children, adults and families check_circle Free or affordable pregnancy coverageSLS net premium: $
Total Subsidy: $
Members going to cca:
Members going to medical:
Fed Fairshare: $
Percentage of income:
SLS Benchmark cost:
SLS Rate:
Household Rating Factor:
Our calculator will be back soon, but you can still learn more about how Covered California works.
Take these things into account while making your choice.
Even if you don’t know what you’ll make this year, you can save money through Covered California. Simply update your income in your account as needed — we’ll adjust your bill.
In most cases, you will be able to carry over your accumulated deductible and max out of pocket amounts. Please confirm with your health insurance company when you switch.
Make your first payment so your coverage can start.
Once you sign up, cancel your old coverage and any autopayments.
See if your prescriptions, including your dosage, are available.
Contact your agent for personalized help. You may also call Sharp Health Plan Customer Care at (858) 499-8300, (800) 359-2002 or Covered California at (800) 300-1506.
Same Plan, Lower Costs
Other health plans are also available through Covered California, offering identical benefits, though with different networks of doctors and hospitals and approaches to getting you the right care. This display doesn’t show all plans available through Covered California. You can see other options by using our Shop and Compare Tool. is sponsored by Covered California and the Department of Health Care Services, which work together to support health insurance shoppers to get the coverage and care that’s right for them.
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